Real Estate Services

Real Estate Services

Our real estate advisors help you find a suitable apartment or house in Serbia. If you are looking for accomodation, we help you in findig it, so you can rent or buy a nice apartment, house or commercial property in Serbia.

Permanent Residency Through Real Estate

One of the best and easiest ways to obtain a residence permit in Serbia is real estate investment.

One of the advantages of investing in real estate in Serbia is the fact that there is no minimum amount required, so you can buy any property and still apply for residency.

However, there are certain conditions that foreigners have to meet in order to purchase real estate in Serbia. The reciprocity principle is the general rule that governs property and property rights acquisition in Serbia.

Although the procedure seems very simple, there can be various complications and hidden pitfalls when buying a property in Serbia, so it is very important that you have full support throughout the process.

You have found an apartment on your own?

If you have found an apartment on your own we can help you with viewing and negotiating with the owner, this is how our service works:

  • You contact us, let us know which apartment(s) you are interested in, and when you would have time to see it.
  • If you don’t have a specific idea, you tell us your price limit, how big the property should be, in which area preferably, and when you want to move in.
  • We arrange appointments, we pick you up at a given adress, and we go tp check property together.
  • If you like one of the places we showed you, we help you sign a contract.