Company Formation Services

Company Formation Services

Serbia is one of few countries with the lowest corporate income tax in Europe. Together with its exceptionally favorable geographic location, it has highly qualified workforce and wide-known IT experts. Operate within one of Serbian free zones, enjoy competitive operating costs, duty-free regime for most of the key industrial products, and open your way to new markets for your company.

According to the Law on Business Organizations of the Republic of Serbia, there are several types of organization of legal entities (legal forms of business entities). Those are:

– Entrepreneur
– A limited liability company
– Partner company
– Limited partnership
– Stock company

Additional legal forms are as follows:

– Branch of a domestic legal entity
– Branch of a foreign legal entity
– Representation of a foreign legal entity

The most popular legal forms of a company are a limited liability company (LLC / D.O.O.), an entrepreneur and a branch of a foreign legal entity in Serbia. It can have one or more founders who join both their capital and resources, whereas the liability is limited to the founding capital of the company. Also, a company can have one or more directors, which offers the opportunity to manage the new business competently and efficiently. According to Serbian legislation, foreign citizens have equal legal conditions for company formation in Serbia. In addition, the minimum amount of founding capital for company registration in Serbia is less than 1 €. The company’s address can be anywhere on the territory of Serbia, which opens numerous opportunities for investment and development. The whole process of establishing a company in Serbia can be carried out in just a few days with the professional guidance and coordination of all necessary legal steps.

We are at your disposal for all that is necessary for the company registration in Serbia and successful business setup. We create and prepare all necessary documentation in accordance with Serbian regulations, organize certification with the notary, conduct the entire process of registering the company, provide adequate tax consulting, obtain company stamp, open bank account without going to the bank, and if necessary, we keep your books in line with the best bookkeeping practices.

Our services are intended for foreign citizens who need fast, professional and efficient company formation in Serbia. We have covered all aspects of successful business setup with a unique opportunity to finish everything in one place. With professional legal support, shortening procedures and professional mediation, we save you time, energy and money and provide you with a focus on developing your business, while we are performing all necessary administrative tasks for you. From the first day you can do business professionally because our law office provides you with all the necessary support.

We also provide consultation services related to the company tax reliefs, investment incentives and other matters relevant to your business.

Company Formation Package

Includes full service:

  • Drafting a Power for attorney (POA)
  • Drafting a bilingual founding act
  • Finding you a favorably accounting services
  • Organizing the notarization of the signatures
  • Filling and submitting required tax paperwork
  • HQ address
  • Quailified electronic signature

Our time for the processing of the required documents by our office ranges between 1 and 3 days, depending on the complexity of the given task. The entire procedure of the company formation can be finished within 3 working days after summing up of all the needed paperwork, which is the registrar’s usual processing time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a foreigner start a business in Serbia?

Company formation in Serbia is not limited to residents. Non-residents, private or legal entities, can also register a company in our country. An additional relief is that a foreign person or company representative does not have to be physically present in order to complete the company registration process. This can be done for them by authorized domestic advisory agencies.

How much shareholding capital is required to start a business (d.o.o.)?

Shareholding capital in a limited liability company can be monetary or non-monetary. When it comes to cash contributions when founding a company, the minimum amount needed to establish a limited liability company is 100 dinars. The law can also define higher amounts for certain activities. This is the minimum amount of share capital that must be subscribed (but not paid) for the process of founding a company, while specific investments in equipment, infrastructure, materials will depend on the business you are engaged in.

Contributions in the company must always be expressed in dinars. The payment of capital can be made in foreign currency, in accordance with the law governing foreign exchange operations, but the dinar equivalent of deposits must be calculated at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of deposit payment.

Documentation necessary for the establishment of a company (d.o.o.)

  1. Founding act of the company with certified signatures of the members of the company
  2. Proof of identity of the members of the company – a photocopy of the identity card or passport of a natural person and / or an excerpt from the register in which the company is registered.
  3. Decision on the appointment of a representative, if not determined by the founding act
  4. Signature of the representative certified by the competent authority
  5. Bank confirmation on the payment of the cash deposit, ie the agreement of the members on the assessment of the non-cash deposit

Is there a difference between a director and a company founder?

A member of a company or the founder of a company is a person who founds the company or later joins it as a founder and shareholder. A member is the owner of a share in the company in a certain percentage, on the basis of which he exercises management rights in the company. All members of the company form the company’s assembly, the assembly decides on the most important issues of the company, such as: adoption of financial statements, deciding on increasing and decreasing share capital, appointing directors, deciding on a member’s request to withdraw from the company, deciding on status changes, etc.

The company has one or more directors who are the legal representatives of the company. The number of directors is defined by the founding act or the decision of the company’s assembly. Specifically, some of the actions for which the director is responsible are concluding contracts with third parties, concluding employment contracts with employees, negotiating with business partners… Also, with the stated powers that the director has, comes his responsibility for the company’s operations. The director is responsible for the proper keeping of business books and the accuracy of financial statements. Therefore, the director is the most responsible person in the company for business operation.

Can the founder be the director of the company at the same time?

There are no legal restrictions on being both a founder and a director of a company. Very often this is a situation in practice.

Should I visit Seerbia in order to form a company?

No. You can finish the company formation procedure by issuing a notarized special power of attorney (with or without the apostille depending on the country) so we can carry out all procedures without your presence.

Can you help with bank account opening?

Yes. We maintain good relationship with biggest Serbian banks. Account opening is subject to bank approval.